Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hilarious Happenings~!~!

I was on the train heading home with Shalom, Rochelle and Joel. As the train was rather packed, Shalom worried about not being able to squeeze out of the train in time. We told her not to worry :) We were very much engaged in our conversations until Shalom abruptly said she has reached and stop and has to leave. We bid goodbye and saw her squirm out of the crowd. She said excuse me! excuse me! excuse me! hurriedly and managed to get out of the train. We were still saying that she did it very smoothly. Yeah! Suddenly, she popped back onto the train, realising that she has just alighted at the wrong stop! Wahahahhaah... We immediately bursted out into laughter. Joel said he thinks she said something along the line of, "Oh no! Wrong stop!" Shalom could not do much except to lower her head and hope no one observed. Wahhahah... But we saw it and it was hilarious! The whole motion of trying to squeeze out, realising that its the wrong stop and hopping back onto the train before the door closes. Ha! Even the lady beside us was grinning. How embarassing! Poor girl... Hahaha... But it was really hilarious, tickling us quite a bit.
