Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A diary of my Hong Kong trip... Part 5

In the wee hours of the morning, in our motel room...

All of us squeezed inside the tiny motel room to 练歌. I love the feeling of going overseas and yet we still need to 练歌 . As if we are some superstars preparing for a concert. Ha... But nope, we were just preparing for the 97.2fm live show and some upcoming gigs. While the 3 were busy and focused on rehearsing, Wendy was getting herself drunk! Look at the pic...

The guitar couple... Edmund and Simin...

And now, Wendy tried to get me drunk!

Wendy is weird! See brings this soft toy around, whose name is "bi bi" and she would talk to the soft toy... Haha! She tells "bi bi" its very cute.

In the midst of fun and laughter! :)

We started comparing LEGS... Guess whose legs are these...

Can you see what pic is this? Maybe because its too WHITE...

At least for this leg, something could be seen...

Music, Motel and great company :)

That night, we just freely jammed and Minhui was singing some cantonese classics. Like the 2 songs on my blog! To me, cantonese songs always sound more emotional and its filled with lots of feelings... Indescribable. Also, they give me a sense of familiarity. Its weird, but it does. I think I'm an odd person to begin with. For someone my age, I actually appreciate the classics and even old canto songs. Not just appreciate, I love them! I enjoyed that night of jamming, listening to the canto songs being sung by Minhui and in that small little motel in HK. 好有 feeling...

The conclusion I came up with. Maybe I'm 1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Cantonese, 1/4 Westernised, 1/4 European...
