Friday, August 10, 2007

errands, errands and more errands...

I realise that I have many things to do. Not important issues but things that I would like to complete! cause... I have been procrastinating for too long! For the saying goes... "Procrastination is the theif of time" how true it is...

Good thing is that I managed to complete 2 tasks today. I installed Microsoft Office and fixed up my printer. :) For a third accomplishment, I finally added links to my blog! I have been wanting to do that since I was in America. Imagine how long ago was that.

So with that said, I hope to do whatever comes to my mind and no longer procrastinate. Hard to achieve but I will strive. Other stuff I would like to do...

1) make my blog more complete (nicer layout, more links, music... etc)
2) be more diligent in my piano practice
3) learn songs that I like... (eg... some canto songs or songs on the piano)
4) have a more disciplined exercise routine
5) read the bible at LEAST 5 times a week
6) be diligent with my studies

etc etc! Lord, please grant me the discipline...
