Sunday, July 13, 2008

Monday Blues?? NOT!!!

Finally! The weekend is over! Woohoo~!~! My life is so topsy-turvy... While people look forward so weekends and dread Mondays, I look forward to Mondays... Mondays mark the end of the weekend and the beginning of a new week. As usual, both saturday and sunday this week was packed! Very packed... But its over now :) Time to take some rest and do my own stuff! Its time for my cello and probably take some time to exercise...

Something that I really look forward to these days is my Cello. Yeah, my new instrument :) I feel that I have improved and made progress! And my teacher commented the same thing :) I've been performing quite regularly, playing the keyboard for the past 3 weeks. I am looking forward to the day where I can actually perform on my Cello :) Goody!

Time for some rest :) And hopefully a VERY fruitful week ahead!
