Thursday, June 12, 2008

A surprise??

Today I was out with the Monday Gang... I haven't seen them since the exams ended. Had a lazy badminton session and makan session. I need to exercise more! We were talking about insurance agents and financial advisors, when Chee Siang mentioned that he had a friend who didn't contact him for months but called him up to "meet up for coffee". His friend went into the insurance line. Does that occur to you? *For your info, my brother is a financial advisor* Haha... I would never want to go into that line but I am sure my brother is trustworthy :) :)

Anyways, I was caught by surprised today when I received a message from a friend I made months ago. And I have only met him once. Today he dropped me a message regarding some stuff. It came as a total surprise... It really did. Whatever the outcome, whatever the cause of asking me, I am thankful for this opportunity. For the next 2 days, I shall prepare all that I can and do my utmost for this chance. Entrusting everything into the Hands of God :)

Time to hit the keys...
