Thursday, May 8, 2008

too blessed...

Tomorrow's papers are Stats 1 and 2. Congrats to me that I have never and not touched the last 4 chapters of stats 2. I wonder how will I survive. Great! Somehow, I hope... I will... I know I have not done enough for the module.

My Dad just came in telling me to use the car to drive to expo for my examination tomorrow. I did that today. And after looking at the carpark fees, I decided not to drive there. Yet, my dad insists that I drive so that I can concentrate on doing well in my exams. The carpark fees are about $2 per hr. And today's expenditure on the carpark is $7 plus. Tomorrow, having 2 papers from 10am to 4.30pm... so you can imagine how much I would have to pay. I thank my dad for being so nice. BUT... it makes me feel even worse... because I know that I will not do well. Here I am already struggling to pass and he being so nice to me makes me feel even more guilty. He says that we've already paid thousands for the exam... so what's $15 on parking fees.

No time to regret... Just do my best... :( I feel blessed yet guilty...
