Monday, May 5, 2008

the process... thats what matters...

I just read Mr Ching's blog and I seem to share the same sentiments as him. Ching-Neh-Neh... Your post was quite inspiring too :) Just that even though you feel that you're not that smart afterall; for myself, I still think I'm quite an intelligent person... Despite always struggling with my studies! Wahahah... I am always and forever trying to delude myself!

My studies have never been placed first above everything else. More so these days when I seem to look to other avenues and want to do something unrelated to my course of study in the future. Besides that, I feel that there's so much more in life than probably good grades and such. To me, educational qualifications are just a stepping stone to the working world. And from there, its really about the person. Still, education is important :) (Kel... sounding like you?)

I'm FINALLY BEGINNING to understand macro economics. Only when its 2 more days to my exam. And just for people's info, in SIM-UOL, our grades are 100% based on the exam. May God bless me... I feel happy understanding the concepts and somehow, I feel a sense of accomplishment studying. I'm beginning to enjoy the process. Its making me feel... useful? That at least I am not wasting my time by SLACKING! Back when I was in army, I wished and looked forward to studying again. And now when I'm back in school, I procrastinate... Humans are like that at times huh? But today, I did enjoy studying to a certain extent :) I thank God that I still have this opportunity to study :) Although I know that most probably I would do really badly for the coming exams, I am glad that I am still studying, still struggling, still trying... Its the process and I'm appreciating it. I'm also reminded that when people enter the valley, they would appreciate the mountains more... When the exams are over, I know I will be more relax and will cherish my time more :)

Exams... It will be over in no time... I can feel it ending...

Holidays! Here I come!!!
