Saturday, May 3, 2008

my friday in a nutshell...

1. I went to Orchard in the morning to collect my camera that I had send for repair. To my dismay, it wasn't ready! Only my friend's cam was ready. Looks like I would have to make another trip down :( I haven't walked the streets of Orchard in a rather long time. Maybe one of these days, I should do so...

2. Had my own piano lesson in the afternoon and my teacher commented that I have improved! And, I feel an improvement in my own playing as well :) It feels really good... Keep practicing! I have somehow practiced more than my usual days it seems... Probably due to exam stress and boredom. My teacher was also sharing with me her progress on learning the Cello. I'm looking forward to my Cello lessons and embarking on a new instrument as well... The exams will come and go by real soon. I'm sure! Then I can begin on it... I read Diya's blog about how we often want to do other stuff when we're doing a certain thing. How true it is... I've learnt that there must be a balance in life! I'm striving for it...

3. Went to school to study with Cindy and friends. I managed to revise a little of Statistics 1. Really insufficient to prepare myself for the exams! I need to buck up. My attention span is too short! I arrived the latest and left the earlist... "Great!"

4. Gathering with evofus! I had a blast of a time. It was just a simple dinner and drinks @ Harry's but I felt good :) Thanks evofus for the time. evofus... my JC clique with partners... I cherish my friends a lot and I feel good spending quality time together. Being around them makes me feel comfortable. A good time of updating, laughter, chatting and the enjoying each other's company. Congrats to Aloy who ORD-ed! I am totally elated for you! Really... Its the moment every guy looks forward to... And we've planned a 1-day JB trip at the end of the month... GREAT!

Its time to sleep and a brand new day tomorrow :)
