Saturday, March 8, 2008

pushing yourself to higher limits...

This week, I managed to push myself to go for 2 runs. Both taking place late in the night at about 11.30am, after a whole day of events. An approximate distance of about 2.4km or perhaps slightly more. From my house to a little before Chancery Lane. I am glad I ran... its feels... so good! :) I like the after feeling of a run... Sweating it out, radiating heat and feeling more energised. It really doesn't do good when one lazes around or stays in the air-conditioned environment. Exercise is good! I wanna live a life thats healthy and positive!

While I managed to push myself physically, it seems that mentally I still need to put in more effort and discipline. In areas of my studies, practicing my piano or keyboard, organising matters, spending time with God... etc... Striving for more...
