Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wuhan Trip (Part 2)

Part 2 of the Wuhan Trip is mainly on FOOD! But then again, almost the whole trip was filled with eating after eating. My sis-in-law brought us to a famous street in Wuhan that has aplenty of choices for food... and it was for breakfast!

户部巷... I love this street! So much so that I requested to go back on the last day.

Imagine long sticks of "satay" for breakfast

Oysters, clams and tofu...

Red dates with glutinous flour...

My brother on his favourite meat stick...

The company...

Hawkers in action...

Deserts for breakfast? 米酒 is my favourite... something I can't find in Singapore

Crabs? for breakfast...

I love this! 臭豆腐... and they are black in colour! Really good!

豆腐脑 as they call it... our beancurd. :)

The street... food street...

热干面。。。 Wuhan's speciality...

米酒!Nice, nice!

Smells and taste really good! Black coloured smelly beancurd!

A variety of food... neverending...


Along the streets of Wuhan...

To be continued...
