Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Say goodbye to Creative CARROT...

I decided to be really decisive today! I told myself that I'll get a new mp3 player, and I did! Went to BEST at J8 and got myself an IPOD Touch. I think I did my sums and decided that it would be the best buy :) Also, I consulted my ever faithful and trustworthy IT consultant, Fabby Tan. Haha! Fab is really a very "handy" friend. Anything about technology and gadgets, he would be the person I would look for... Thanks budd! *except that the last sound system he recommended wasn't too good!*

And with a new mp3 player bought, I hope I'll really put it to GOOD USE... Lots of applications and such, which... If people know me well enough would know that I am NEVER and was NEVER EVER into such things. I even questioned myself after the purchase... Why did I get the IPOD Touch? Haha... But anyways, I decided to be decisive and maybe for once splurge on IT gadgets. Woo! Ain't I IT-Savvy? Call me Whizz Leb! Thanks. I feel UPGRADED... haha.

So, its goodbye to my CARROT... The mp3 player that I've been using for... I think... around 2 years? And its about time... the rubber casing has broken and the sound is failing me!!! Thats what gets on my nerves. Good quality of sound is VERY IMPORTANT. And the fact that my CARROT can only store 2GB of songs... thats sad. :) Goodbye CARROT.

Hopefully I wouldn't be too frustrated navigating around my IPOD...

24hrs more to fly!!! :)
