Sunday, March 1, 2009

巫啟賢 - 英雄熱血 (純歌曲、清晰版) (TVB電視劇《大刺客》主題曲)

Wow great! So I happen to find this obscure song from youtube. Sung by my favourite singer in 1997. I think that was when his tone sounded the best, and I love it when he sings cantonese songs. A very "jiang hu" flavoured song, probably a composition by himself. Love it!

Much as I love jazz and all, these old canto songs appeal so much to me... Very contrasting I would think. But, I can't help it. They really SPEAK to me. I have decided. I would want classic jazz songs at my wedding and also... classic canto songs. Aww... Minhui and Wendy can help me sing them right?

A contrasting and "dilemmic" Caleb...
