Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Compositions...

I had always thought of becoming a songwriter, music producer... I started off writing Christian songs when I was about secondary 3, something I did with my church friends in the past. Together with Zichao, Joyce, Esther, Dawn, Su Jun, Joel, Isaac. Looking back at those songs, its interesting... :) We simply wanted to use our own songs and expression to worship God. Indeed the songs were simple, yet, they did have that special meaning. Those were the beginnings.

When I went on the Junior College, I met 2 other budding songwriters... Jasmine and Jiarong! Hahah... together we formed "JJC", which in coincidence is the college we came from. We wrote qutie a number of songs. All 3 of us did. It was the time when I started listening to more chinese pop. And because I had loved Eric Moo's songs so much, my songs ALWAYS had that xinyao-super cheenah feel. Sadly, in that era, it was no longer popular! I am a backdated songwriter. Being rather handicapped in Chinese didn't exactly help either, most of the lyrics were penned by Jasmine and Jiarong who were Chinese A'Level students. Not just AO level. I remember a duet that I wrote the tune and Jasmine did the lyrics, the chorus contained the words 山盟海誓. Totally out of my vocabulary! Thinking back about our songs, every song contain SO MUCH SO MUCH memories. We would record 1 song in... 1-2hrs? It was that difficult to get a good take. We had 距离,是否,梦想, the charity song, and other songs I don't remember their title. Jasmine and Jiarong, if you all do remember, refresh my mind. But its unlikely Jiarong remembers... She could hardly remember the lyrics! My JC days were almost the kick start of a greater passion in music.

Recently, I composed another 3 songs. But this time round, they are instrumental pieces. I have tried at times to compose pop songs, but often I am unable to complete a full song :( It didn't quite occur to me that I could try composing instrumentals as I listening to mainly music with singing, although these days, I have more instrumental tracks in my playlists. These 3 composed songs are what I plan to show to Berklee's "auditioners"? And hopefully get an edge and be accepted into the college. Going into Berklee does mean a lot to me, 4yrs of a very different life. I am really committing everything to God, wherever He leads me. God has blessed me so much... just so much that things seem so impossible :) I will be recording my tracks and hopefully they'll turn out fine. Possibly, I could share it around :)

2 encouraging responses I have had so far...

1 day my cousin came to my place and heard me play my 2nd composition entitled "Final Hope". She didn't ask me anything about the composition until she suddenly messaged me on msn... She said, "How come I can't find anything on the song "Final Hope", the song that you were playing at your place? Who is it by?" I was surprised. Haha... I didn't know it would appeal to her. Although she is only secondary 4 this year, I feel glad that someone appreciates my composition and feels that it is nice :) Goody!

2nd encouraging response. On my 3rd composition, my piano teacher said, "I didn't expect that you could come up with something like that..." I certainly take that as a compliment. :) Thanks! Honestly, sometimes I do not know how I get the inspiration or creativity for a song. I have been doing up the scores for my song and my scores look really BLACK.

Creating one's music is definitely a joy to do. And I hope that one day, some day, there will be more people who would appreciate my compositions. Provided I continute churning out songs. Haha... May God inspire me more :)

My audition into the Hands of God :)
