Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tis the season for weddings~!~!~!

In a span of 2 months, I have attended 3 weddings... That's quite a lot considering I am not quite of the age to get married yet. And in the next 2 weeks, there are 2 more weddings to come. For one, it'll be a wedding gig together with Phoebee; I certainly hope to do a good job. Its... a WEDDING! The "BIG DAY" for the couple. :) And 1 week later, it'll be my elder brother's wedding... Its really nice to see my brother and his fiance getting everything ready. From the bridal pictures, banquet preparations, shifting in to a new home... etc etc. I'll be preparing an item and providing the live! music with LMK's lovely trio. Our first performance! Lets do it well... :)

Also, there are many others who are getting married in the next few months. LMK's webby is going to be up! I certainly hope we start getting the gigs! Oh Lord, I'm praying... :) After all the hard work, late nights and preparations... its finally taking off!
