Wednesday, September 23, 2009

nothing much... just random ramblings...

i need to think out of the box! be more creative Caleb!

i've been practicing with Desmond of late, time to buck up on my speech...

practice, practice, practice... really hope i will make it to Berklee next year. but I'll go where the Lord leads me.

Is looking forward to a wedding gig on the 3rd of Oct. And the first unofficial gig for LMK! And looking forward to the VERY FIRST gig LMK does... :)

Discipline, discipline, discipline... and time management...

wants to spot a tan! and start exercising regularly again.

Matt 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

thank God for the many countless blessings in my life! :)
